For many years, experts credit exercise for a lot of brain and body improvements such as the reduction of certain diseases of the heart, diabetes, and even osteoporosis. But did you know that recent studies and research claim that exercise is also the key to better sex?
Research has proven that after exercising for some time, both genders have an increased desire to have sex, and achieve better sex. Specifically, men have higher satisfaction, while women have increased sexual urges.
Although better sex almost always depends on the physiological aspect, exercising helps boost one’s urge due to its effects on the body. It’s simple: a healthy mind leads to healthy physiology.
In General, What Are The Benefits Of Exercise?
Exercise proves to have a lot of benefits, which is why doctors and health buffs alike strongly suggest that it should be a habit or a lifestyle. It wouldn’t be enough if you’d exercise for only a month or two, but rather, make it a part of daily life. Why? Here are some well-known benefits:
- You Instantly Feel Better (And Happier!): Exercise naturally causes the release of hormones that help improve or change moods. Known as the “happy hormone,” Serotonin is released from the brain, as well as Endorphins, which reduces the perception of pain.
- It Helps With Weight Loss: Obviously, exercise activates your body’s metabolism, which, in turn, produces more heat. More heat also means more burning (of fat) and so on.
- There Is Muscle Build Up: Although exercise often does not include lifting weights, your leg muscles are affected due to the intensity of cardio workouts or squats. Thus, there is still muscle development.

Explicitly speaking, exercise can give you benefits beyond what you thought it could provide. Diving deeper, here are the specific ways exercise is known to help you in terms of healthy living and your sex life:
Benefits Of Exercise In Your Health
1. It Prevents Obesity
Sadly, the majority have a hard time losing the extra weight due to a sedentary lifestyle. Obesity leads to almost all life-threatening diseases such as diabetes, heart conditions (heart attacks, heart failure, low oxygen, enlarged heart, glucose imbalance, etc.), and so much more. Incorporating exercise as a daily routine gives you a better chance of improving your health and lowering the risk of developing preventable diseases
2. There Are An Increase Oxygen Levels
Increased oxygen levels also mean better cellular regeneration, as well as better nutrient distribution to different organs. The heart, which supplies the body with oxygen, won’t have a hard time because if oxygen levels are low, this prompts and signals the heart to pump more, and when the heart pumps more to compensate, it enlarges. Unfortunately, an enlarged heart doesn’t shrink back to its original size.
3. You Can Manage Your Sugar Levels
Whether you already have diabetes or are at risk of having it, exercise plays a significant role in managing your sugar levels. Not only does it affect your glucose, but it also affects your insulin levels. This is very important in prevention as well as cure.
4. It Helps Quit Smoking
If you’re a smoker and you’re on the road to stopping, exercise is one of the most common suggestions because it alters cravings and stops distracts your mind from giving in to the urge. For years, doctors have been suggesting exercise as the main answer to any desire, be it smoking or food cravings.
5. Further Improves Your Mental State
As you grow older, certain things happen such as memory loss, or brain and motor insufficiency. Make it a point to exercise still because studies have repeatedly proven that it helps in proper judgment and sharp thinking, as well as better focus.

Benefits Of Exercise Regarding Your Sex Life
- You Feel Sexier:
With all the activated metabolism and hormones, exercise will most likely lead to weight loss. Along with the hormones released, seeing yourself improve in the physical aspect also enhances your sex drive. Being confident leads to more relaxed sex life.
- Improved Sexual Performance:
All those trips to the gym and strength training will be for nothing! The simple logic behind this is, you build your body strength and endurance, which helps in terms of the duration of your sexual desires, as well as better sex.
- (For The Males) It Prevents Erectile Dysfunction:
As men age, there will always be a risk of possible erectile dysfunction, with or without medical reasons. Exercise can help prevent this.
- There Is A Feeling Of A “High”:
Specifically, this kind of feeling is comparable to the “runners high” wherein the person feels very relaxed, positive, and contented with everything. This type of aftermath after sex plays a significant role, especially in the emotional aspect.
- There Is A Higher Chance Of Reaching Orgasms:
Your body won’t feel tired. It may make things easier for you, especially when reaching orgasms. Since your mind and body are in sync, ideas flow smoothly (and quickly) for both of you. Better sex leads to satisfaction and probably more steamy sessions in the future.
The Science Behind Increased Libido And Sex Drive After Exercising
Exercising somewhat awakens your whole system. In terms of your libido and sex drive, hormones are responsible for this. As mentioned before, the increased physical activity causes a release of hormones– sex hormones included. Along with the other happy hormones and pain reducing hormones, it’s a whole package for your sex life.
Are There Specific Exercises To Take Note Of?
1. Abdominal Exercises – Since most of the muscles you use during sex are of the abdominal area, it would be best to start there.
2. Push-ups – This is one of the most basic yet heart-pounding exercises. But don’t worry, results will show once your endurance shows as well.
3. Deadlifts – Deadlifts help strengthen your back and overall carrying of oneself– something you often do during sex.
4. Side Bends And Twists – This improves your upper body strength.
5. Pilates/Yoga – These are known strength and core exercises
Overall, you may choose which exercises to focus on and do. It can be the easiest in the book or the hardest (as long as you know you can do it!), but ultimately, the goal is to improve your physical and mental well being.
Although it is scientifically proven that exercise gives you and your partner better sex, it may also diminish if you overdo it. Make sure to exercise moderately and always listen to what you’re body is telling you. If you’ve been working out for too long and it’s starting to take a toll, then it would be better to take a rest.